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HoviClub Orchard

A private senior day care centre providing club and home care services for a wide range of seniors, from those who are healthy and looking for social activities to those with mental capacity conditions like dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

The primary focus is on engaging seniors in three key components: physical, social, and memory wellness. Tailored activities and engagement programs are conducted centering around these three pillars.


What is Senior Day Care?

Senior day care is a service that offers structured programs of activities and supervised care within a group setting. It provides essential health services alongside opportunities for seniors to socialize and engage in recreational activities during the daytime. The primary goal of senior day care is to enhance the overall well-being, both physical and social, of elderly individuals.

In public active ageing centres, a single care staff is usually responsible for many seniors, which poses challenges in providing adequate attention to those with severe dementia. Additionally, the high ratio of seniors to care staff further complicates the ability of these centres to meet individual needs and tailor care plans for each senior.

Why Choose HoviClub Orchard?

Smaller Group Sizes

Activity group sizes are smaller compared to public senior day care centers. Care staff can ensure that they spend quality time with each senior, allow them to better understand the seniors' interest and preferences

Personalized Approach & Customized Care Plans

Care staff can cater to the senior's needs and preferences by customizing care plans aimed at achieving desired outcomes that are specific to the senior. These plans are also adaptable, allowing for adjustments as necessary along the way

Tracking of Progress

Every seniors’ behavior, mood, and cognitive function are closely monitored. A tracking application integrated with AI capabilities is used to record data, through which any changes in seniors' behavior can be detected to evaluate their progress, allowing care staff to provide more tailored assistance to seniors

How can I trust others to care for my family member?

Trusting others to care for your family member can be a daunting decision, filled with worries and uncertainties. It's natural to feel anxious about entrusting their well-being to someone else.

However, there may come a time when professional care is necessary to support seniors with specialized needs, such as dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s or other mental health conditions.

HoviClub Orchard Services

Home-based Daycare for Elderly (HoviHome)

Daycare services delivered straight to the elder’s home for 3 hours/session. Programme can be customized to the senior's needs. The team of dedicated care staff will make a personalised care plan to support the type of care needed, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, disability services, respite care and more.

Price: Between SG$150 to SG$220 per session before GST

Centre-based Daycare for Elderly (HoviClub)

The Centre offers a variety of activities for seniors to socialize, improve memory, and rehabilitate physically, including arts, music, games, and more. It's suitable for seniors who are looking to maintain their current state of mind and and be engaged socially, as well as those with conditions like dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's Disease. Facilities are wheelchair and walking aids accessible.

4-hour Sessions

Clients can choose either AM session (9am – 1pm) or PM session (1:30pm – 5:30pm)

Price: SG$98 to SG$150 per session before GST

Twice a Week Package

Most of the seniors at the Centre come about twice a week. This package entitles the senior to 2 sessions a week for a month on their chosen committed days.

Price: SG$955 before GST

Flexi Package (10 Sessions)

This package provides a more flexible arrangement for families and seniors who would like to try out the services and program before committing to weekly sessions. The package entitles seniors to 2 or more sessions a week for a month.

Price: SG$1,300 before GST

Full Day Package

Similar to the childcare centre concept, this full day package is suitable for families who may be preoccupied during weekdays and are looking for a space for their senior loved ones to stay active and social.

Price: SG$3,600/month before GST

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